Adoption Story: Josh + Rachel

I had the joy of walking with Josh and Rachel through the adoption journey that led them to their sweet boy, Shepp! Although the story to growing their family was not easy, they never gave up and continued to place their trust in God, despite their circumstances. It’s my prayer that Rachel’s words would be an encouragement to you today!

Once we both decided to move forward with pursuing adoption, I was full steam ahead. I never imagined how much the next year would change me. I was so quick with filling out our adoption agency application, getting home study documents submitted and then filling out the questionnaire asking our preferences. I remember us both thinking we wanted a closed adoption-after all that’s what most people who are clueless about adoption think it is. After we had our home study approved and were an active and waiting couple I felt so lost-I needed to be doing something. I switched from listening to my usual podcasts to all adoption story podcasts. It really changed my perspective on open adoption completely. It made me realize it wasn’t just about us-this will be a part of our child and their birth families life forever too. It took Josh a little longer to come along to understanding the importance of this-he has changed through first hand seeing how true this is.

I struggled so much with the wait. I had such consuming anxiety about just wanting it to happen and not knowing when it would. We quickly got the nursery all set up and after about a month into our wait I started going into the nursery every night after work and reading the Bible and praying about our journey. I prayed every day for our child's Birth Mother-that she would know without a doubt that we were the right family when she saw our profile and that God would protect them both. I clung to knowing that God is in control.

A few months into our wait I was praying to God to help me know if we were on the right path. As I was praying I got a message on my phone. I looked at it and a family member had sent me a link to a blog post that one of her friends wrote about refinement in the waiting room-talking about how God was working through the wait. I knew this was true, I had already seen how much I had changed and my perspective on adoption had changed. The blog post was written by Kelly at Christian Adoption Consultants. The next week I signed on with CAC and got to work signing on with additional agencies.

A few weeks into our time with CAC I got received a message from an expecting mother who found us online. After talking back and forth for awhile, she said she wanted to place her baby boy with us. Although we knew self-matching was riskier, we felt peace about moving forward. We spent a lot of time talking and getting to know her. Although she ended up choosing to parent, we understood. We actually have become friends and are still in contact to this day!

We were back to waiting! As I was struggling so much with the wait, one thing Kelly said in an email really stuck with me and got me through. She said “Nothing you do can mess up what God has planned.” (Or don’t do). It’s so hard knowing what cases to apply to and if you get something wrong the impact it could have, but it really helped me get back to reality that God had a plan. it was January when I got an email from Kelly recommending another agency for us to apply with. We signed on with them and just about a month after being active with them we received the long awaited phone call saying we had been chosen and baby was due exactly a month from that day! Everyone always says the call will come when you least expect it, which is so frustrating when literally all you do is think about getting the call- but I really was home from work sick in bed when I got the call, so maybe there is some truth to i!

The following day she had an ultrasound and found out she was having a baby boy. I just knew that was little Shepp!

Kelly was such a great person to help and lean on throughout our time with CAC. We had a very stressful few days after Shepp was born and she was a great source of encouragement and prayers! We have such a heart for Shepp’s Birth Mother and are so grateful to her for making us parents together. Although it was the hardest year of my life, God changed us and our hearts so much during that time. It's our deepest prayer that Shepp will always know how deeply loved he is by God, us and his Birth Family!

***If you are interested in learning more about adoption and the services we provide at Christian Adoption Consultants, I would love to chat! Email me, Kelly Todd, at to request a FREE information packet!***