Adoption Story: Rachel + Adam

As an Adoption Consultant with CAC, I have the honor and joy of guiding families through the adoption process. It’s a privilege I don’t take lightly! I’ve had the opportunity to meet the most amazing families and share with them in their joys and losses. The adoption process is not for the faint of heart. Adam and Rachel’s story to their son is a testimony to that! Their perspective throughout the ups and downs of this process was truly inspiring. God’s grace shined through their entire journey even when things did not unfold as they planned. I pray Rachel’s words would be an encouragement to you today!

Even before we adopted our son, adoption was already a big part of our life. My faith journey and growing up years were significantly impacted by the adoption of my sisters. They joined our family when I was 12 years old. My husband was interested in it as well, but not sure of the timing. Staring secondary infertility in the face took a few years to come to grips with. This was not the way we saw things working out.

Once God made it clear to us adoption was in fact His plan for us, it was by the recommendation of a very sweet couple who had adopted previously that shared how necessary and helpful Christian Adoption Consults was! We quickly looked into their suggestion. How thankful we are we did! Kelly Todd was and has been a pure blessing! From helping to navigate the adoption world, being a constant encouragement in the many "not yets", failed matches, and a fellow believer in Christ who has walked through hard things herself, Kelly was phenomenal! We are so thankful we had her care and expertise along the journey!  

Shortly after we signed on with CAC, we matched with an expecting mother! We were thrilled and in disbelief that it had happened so soon! Not too long after she chose us, the agency called to let us know that she had miscarried.  We mourned the loss for her and with her. Our hearts were broken. Although it was not easy, we continued moving forward in the adoption process. We walked through 2 more interrupted adoptions where the expecting mamas chose to parent. Although we trusted God had purposes for these matches, there was so much we didn't understand. We continually entrusted it all to the only One who does. If God had used us to provide needed support, love, and prayers for birth families in hard places, it had to be worth it all in God's economy. We knew for sure God had radically increased our dependency upon Him, as well as, created a greater compassion for the needs, and lostness of birth families. If this was growing more into the likeness of Christ, we wanted it. However, it was nothing we would have ever chosen! We never expected it to be this hard.

I'll never forget the phone call we received on July 19th. We were matched with a precious mother due in a month. The tears of disbelief, fear, and excitement filled my eyes.As we continued living cautiously, yet hopeful, we received a call our son's birth mother was admitted to the hospital two weeks early. Everything was OK, but we needed to travel many states away as soon as possible! We drove all night and arrived to our destination! If there is anything we had learned along our adoption journey, it's that God's plans are not our own (Isaiah 55:8-9). Just as we were about to communicate with the agency that we were ready to meet this precious child and birth mother, we were told the birth mother wanted the night with the baby to herself. We understood.  We also had been through a few other matches and this was sounding all too familiar. After some prayer, some tears, and rest we accepted that if we could come alongside a struggling mother, we had done just what God wanted. In fact, we weren't sure we could continue on emotionally and financially, but if this was the end of the journey, our reward was in Heaven. It was going to be ok.

Against all odds, she was still willing to meet us! Due to regulations at the time, only one person was allowed to visit. The following morning at 10 am I was so honored to be invited to visit! The visit was one of the best days of my life too! Blessing a mother with gifts and flowers, holding her baby, (which I would not have ever dreamed of asking to do, but she immediately offered), and being able to verbally tell her of our care for her, that we trusted God knew exactly where her child should be placed, and her bravery to carry a child in a less than ideal circumstance was exhilarating! We were happy cheering her on even without becoming the adopted parents of her child. God had given us peace and joy in this all.

Honestly feeling the door was closed for adoption with this particular situation, we made plans to visit a dear missionary family a few hours away. It was a grand treat to get this opportunity! There was good God was providing for us!

Later that evening as we pulled into the parking garage, we received a phone call from the agency. This brave and loving mother decided to continue on with her adoption plan! We were stunned. We didn't tell any family or friends, just to see what might develop as we had to wait until the following morning for the agency and social worker to meet with her.

The next morning on August 15, 2021, after many logistical changes, waiting, and more waiting, our son joined our family! We kept pinching ourselves this was for real! Video chatting with our daughter to show her her new brother was amazing! God had finally provided a sibling!  We were in awe of all God had done! His faithfulness to lead us through what felt so purposeless, hard, and lonely at times gave way to the preparation He had done in our hearts and minds for our son, his birth mother, and adoption in general. The wait was difficult, but God’s provisions on the other side were so much better than we could have ever hoped for! God was intimately involved, even when it looked like so much was constantly falling apart! We were reminded that, “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17. 

***If you are interested in learning more about adoption and the services we provide at Christian Adoption Consultants, I would love to chat! Email me, Kelly Todd, at to request a FREE information packet!***