7 Reasons Why Families Choose To Work With CAC

You are ready to start the adoption process, but where do you begin? When my husband and I made the decision to move forward with growing our family through adoption, we were extremely excited! But, as we began researching our options, we realized there was so much about the process that we were completely clueless about!  After a few weeks of unfruitful research and trying to do it on our own, we discovered it was much more complex than we anticipated. We needed a map and a guide to help us navigate our journey.

A few of my friends had worked with Christian Adoption Consultants (CAC), and we had heard amazing reviews about the services and care they provide their families. After speaking on the phone with a consultant, we signed on with CAC the very next day! I tell everyone that working with CAC was by far the easiest and best decision we made in our adoption journey! Now I have the honor and privilege of guiding families through their own adoptive journey.

Here are 7 reasons why families choose to work with CAC:

  1. Multiple Agency Networking– We direct families to apply with trustworthy agencies and attorneys in adoption-friendly states. At CAC, we also receive referrals from adoption agencies and attorneys looking for adoptive families.

  2. Education & Guidance– There is more to adoption than the act itself. There is a lot to be learned along the way. At CAC, we are passionate about adoption education, and so we provide many opportunities for our families to grow in this area. We walk with our families throughout their entire 14-month contract and provide them with a step-by-step Adoptive Parent Guide Book-a resource that takes families through the entire adoption process. Our families are provided with monthly newsletters covering topics such as open adoption, positive adoption language, and encouragement for the wait.

  3. Experienced Professionals– We’ve been around since 2006 and, since that time, have helped over 3,700 families with successful adoptions. We are one of the largest, oldest, and most experienced adoption consulting companies in the world! Our staff at CAC have over 120 years of combined adoption experience. We have two licensed social workers on staff and 8 team members who have experience working at adoption agencies. Our founders have also launched licensed adoption agencies, so they have a broad understanding of adoption, depth of knowledge in regard to licensing requirements, legal processes of adoption, and how agencies operate.

  4. Personal Experience-Most of our staff are adoptive clients and/or former clients of CAC. We have two Adoptees and two Birth Mothers on staff who provide consultations for our families. They have an opportunity to sit with them over the phone, hear their story, learn from their perspective and ask questions. We have a staff that is passionate about adoption and who genuinely care about our clients! We understand the difficulties, joys, and challenges associated with the adoption process because we have walked through some of them ourselves.

  5. Shorter Wait Time– The average wait time for a match after a family’s home study is complete is 7-12 months. Some families match sooner than the average time, while other families take longer. Using a multi-agency approach and a personal advocate is the best way to cast a wider net of opportunities in the adoption process.

  6. Personal Advocate– As a consultant, we assist families in finding the right agency and adoption situation for their family. Additionally, we will help our clients navigate the warning signs to reduce the levels of risks associated with the adoption process. I love being a part of a team that prays consistently for not only the hopeful adoptive parents but the expectant mamas and birth families, as well.

  7. Financial Advice– Adoption can be expensive. We provide families with resources and tools on how to fund their adoption through grants, loans, tax benefits, and fundraising.

From the moment we signed on with CAC, it’s as if a heavy weight was lifted off of our shoulders. We knew where the final destination was, but we were clueless about how to get there. CAC provided us with the map we needed and guided us every step of the way. 

If you are interested in learning more about adoption and the services we provide at Christian Adoption Consultants, I would love to chat! Email me at kelly@christianadoptionconsultants.com to receive a FREE inquiry packet, and check out Christian Adoption Consultants for more information!***