He Withholds No Good Thing

For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor.
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.
Psalm 84:11

He withholds no good thing. These 5 words have been nourishment for my heart. God's Word, His promise, has been a healing balm to my spirit. I've clung to these words tightly over the past decade of my life and even more so over the past few years. 

I've asked God about His goodness and these “good things” while walking through some of the darkest nights. "Are you really good, God? I know you say that you withhold no good thing from your children, but I can't make sense of this." 

Negative pregnancy tests. 
Miscarriage and loss. 
Cancer surgery after cancer surgery. 
Unanswered prayers.

The other day I was sharing with a friend how I was desperately struggling with an unanswered prayer. But felt a lot of guilt around not being able to really believe that God wasn't withholding good from me. Because that’s how it felt…like God was withholding this from me.

She reminded me, "Kelly, I think it's okay to not feel okay right now." Her words rushed over my entire body from head to toe-body, mind and spirit. Then, a feeling of release ensued. All at once I felt the propensity of the weight I had been carrying. I recognized and named each thorn, each scar, and every piece of me that felt broken. I didn't try to make sense of it. I didn't try to push through immediately and find the purpose in the pain. Instead, I brought all of these broken pieces and fragments to Jesus. I laid them at His feet. I told Him I wasn't okay. I told Him how much my heart hurt. I told Him I didn't understand. I asked Him to help me. I told Him, “I know in your Word it says ‘you withhold no good thing from your children,’ but I’m struggling to believe this right now. Help me believe. Help me really believe."

Perhaps you can relate- the inner turmoil of knowing what God’s Word says, but your heart lagging behind, struggling to really believe. “God I know in your Word you say you have good things in store for me, but I just can’t see it now. Sometimes it feels like you are withholding this good thing from me.” If this is you, than I want you to know that you are not alone. I’m right there with you. I didn’t write this in “hindsight” looking back on the struggle. I’m in it now. I don’t have any quick fixes or cookie-cut answers for you. But I can tell what I’m doing. I’m continually running to the source of wisdom and asking Him to grant me wisdom and strength as I sit in the uncomfortableness and brokenness that comes with living in this fallen world.

The other day I was really struggling with this unanswered prayer and I didn’t feel like going to a conference that I was scheduled to attend. I made myself go anyway because I felt the Holy Spirit leading. As the speaker was sharing a bit of her story it resonated with some of the things I had been seeking the Lord about. I started tearing up because I knew that God wanted me in that room to hear everything the speaker had to say and in His kindness He got me there. I felt the Holy Spirit speaking directly to my heart as she continued to share,“Who told you that you’re missing out? Don’t you know that fullness is found in me!?”

Whatever you are going through-infertility, loss, the ups and downs of the adoption process, health issues, financial struggles, relationship issues, unanswered prayers, sit with the Holy Spirit and talk with Him about it. Ask Him for wisdom. God didn’t grant my unanswered prayer, but He gave me wisdom, generously, to be able to sit with the brokenness, while placing my hope in Christ and not my circumstances. He can do the same for you too, friend.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault,
and it will be given to you” (James 1:5)

Healing Is In His Hands (Part 1)

This post was prompted by a 9 year old video that my brother-in-law tagged me in the other day from my niece and nephews singing praise and worship songs. This video, along with others, were sent to me when we had just discovered I had cancer again and thought I would be going through months and months of chemotherapy. Their sweet little voices brought so much hope to my heart and I know God heard their prayers to heal their, "Aunt KK." What a sweet reminder that our prayers don't need to be fancy and we don't have to use big "churchy" words when approaching our Heavenly Father. We can come to Him like the child we are and lay our desires at His feet.

9 years ago this month I was told that the tumor growing in my upper right shoulder was an aggressive form of cancer and would require an immediate chemotherapy treatment plan. I was handed a stack of papers by my oncologist that detailed a schedule of the type of chemo they would be injecting into my body the upcoming months. I was told what I needed to do and where I needed to be. It was recommended that I drop out of my last semester of college because the type and dosage of chemo I would be receiving would make me very ill. I remember kindly arguing with my oncologist about needing to drop out of school. That was not an option for me. I wanted to finish so badly. At that point I had already taken a few breaks from college due to other health issues, one of which was just a year prior: open-heart surgery. 

This was the second opinion we received about the "mysterious tumor" that had been carved out of my shoulder. After months of testing, the first pathologist said that he "had never seen anything quite like this before" and that it "looked extremely suspicious." Because of my long history of cancer, he recommended a second opinion. Back in the hotel room I was devastated by the diagnoses. It felt like a nightmare. My mom and I had driven up to Minnesota before my dad and we were waiting on him to get to the hotel to share the news with me. While we were waiting my mom read scripture and prayed for healing over my body. She also read texts and emails to me from friends, family and strangers who were covering me in prayer as well.  I remember when he walked through the door I completely lost it. I was hugging him and I just kept on saying over and over again, "Why do I have to go through this again? Why? " After processing the information together and spending a great deal of time asking God for wisdom we decided to get one more opinion. I felt very hesitant in my spirit to proceed immediately with this specific chemo treatment plan.

But the only way for me to "get out" going through the treatment plan was if the pathologist at the other hospital saw something different than the previous one. He would literally have to look into the Microscope and be in disagreement with what the other pathologist saw. And so that is exactly what we prayed for. My brother-in-law held a prayer gathering and invited people from our church to come and lay hands on me. It was during the week so I didn't expect many people to be able to come. I still tear up thinking about how many of my brothers and sisters showed up. We prayed. We did as James 5:14 instructs,  "Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord." We asked God to heal my body. We begged Him to heal me right there. We pleaded that the pathologist would see something entirely different when he looked in the microscope. When I left the prayer gathering I felt peace. Anxiety had subsided. I remember it quite keenly and I wrote it in my journal, "Even in my moments of weakness I feel the power of the Holy Spirit surrounding me, reminding me of His truth. And I know this is the power of prayer. Thank you Jesus for faithful servants who are interceding on my behalf.  Their prayers are the greatest gifts I could receive. I'm humbled by their kindness and commitment to pray for me." 

A few pathologists who specialized in the type of tumor this was suspected to be were hovering over the tumor for months. We were met with further delays and disappointments. "We need more time." "This tumor is proving difficult to diagnose." "We have never seen anything like it before." This was not the news we were hoping to hear, but ultimately it gave us more time to pray and seek the Lord. And then we got our answer. The final diagnosis of the tumor was completely in contrast to the initial diagnosis, but in the end all of the pathologists were in agreement: it was a low grade sarcoma (slow growing cancer) and therefore would require no further treatment! Surgery was sufficient! God blew us away with another big miracle and the only explanation is His healing hand. He heard our prayers and He answered. 

By the time we had finally received the news that no more treatment would be required (other than the surgery that had already taken place) 3.5 months had passed. Those 3.5 months felt like an eternity, but looking back I wouldn't trade them for anything. I remember leaving Rochester, Minnesota with the devastating news that months and months of chemo were in my future. We passed a wig store for patients undergoing chemo and I completely lost it. I wasn't afraid of my hair falling out. I was afraid that my hair falling out meant one step closer to death. I had been spending a lot of late nights googling the type of cancer I supposedly had and read that the survival rate wasn't very promising. And so death was on my mind a lot. I started thinking of all the things I wasn't going to be able to live to experience: graduating college, finding a career I love, getting married, having kids, seeing my niece and nephews grow up. It felt very heavy. I started pouring all of my thoughts out before the Lord-the angry ones, the sad ones, the "this isn't fair" ones, the "I'm scared ones." I came to Him with all my messy thoughts and He met me there. And He listened. This created in me a cycle of dependency on Him, my Sustainer, my Helper, my Healer, my Savior, and this dependency really never left. Over the duration of waiting on answers from the doctors, the Holy Spirit breathed freedom into my soul. I no longer felt impending doom. I no longer felt like I would be missing out. I no longer felt the fear of death because I had the sweet assurance that one day with Jesus is better than 1,000 elsewhere (Psalm 84:10). God could have "just healed my body," but He chose to drastically heal my soul too and I am forever grateful.